Decalery manual

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Decal Group

Represents a decal projector, defined by the MeshFilter/MeshRenderer on the same object. Decal shape can be anything from a simple quad, to a complex shape, such as e.g. a corner, a ring around another object, etc. MeshRenderer should be normally disabled after the decal is projected.


  • Receiver selection mode: defines how the decal-receiving objects are selected. Possible options:
    • Manual: receivers are selected by hand. This is the most precise and predictable method. Objects can be chosen via both the standard Unity selector or by pressing the "Pick in Scene" button and directly clicking receivers in the scene. To the side of every added object there are X and M buttons:
      • Pressing X will remove the receiver from the list.
      • Pressing M will show a material field which will be used instead of the decal's own material only on the selected receiver. This is useful when, for example, the same decal is applied to a dry and a wet surface, where different shaders might be desirable.
    • Box Intersection: receivers are chosen by overlapping a box with nearby colliders.
      • Box scale: scales the selection box. Final box size is affected both by decal mesh bounds, Forward/Backward distance and Box scale.
    • Raycast from vertices: receivers are chosen by performing a physics raycast from every vertex of the decal's mesh, in the inverse normal direction. As with the previous option, it only picks up objects having colliders.
  • Forward distance: decal projection distance (inside).
  • Backward distance: decal projection distance (outside).
  • Angle clip: maximum allowed angle between each decal triangle and projector triangle. The value is from -1 (-180) to 1 (180). This is to prevent texture stretching on surfaces parallel to the projection.
  • Angle fade: fades vertex color/alpha to 0 as the projection approaches Angle clip value.
  • Layer mask: a simple layer mask to filter out receiving objects.
  • Generate tangents: does decal geometry need per-vertex tangents generated? Tangents are required for normal-mapping, parallax and other effects.
  • Link to parent: if enabled, decal meshes will be parented to their receivers.
  • Optimize: performs vertex welding and vertex order optimization.


  • Live Preview: when enabled, decal will be rebuilt interactively, as it is transformed, or its settings are tweaked.
  • Update: (re)builds the decal geometry once.
  • Remove: removes previously generated decal geometry.